As any landlord knows, it takes a lot of work and responsibility to ensure a tenant is receiving the best possible living experience when they rent a home: from promptly handling maintenance requests to offering reliable pay rent solutions. But in addition to being an expert property manager, modern landlords have another valuable responsibility: that of being a partner in reducing the planet’s carbon footprint. By incorporating simple changes such as installing energy-efficient light fixtures, replacing air filters more regularly, and setting water-saving toilets and showerheads, you can help lower energy bills for tenants while doing your part for the environment. Partner with property management companies for ideas on how to cut down on waste and electricity use to further reduce your carbon footprint.Here are 27 easy ways to get started:
- As a property management company, we are invested in helping you rent a home you love. To help keep your rental cost as low as possible by conserving energy and water, educate yourself and other tenants on why conservation matters. Post signs in common areas or include information in your lease agreement to remind everyone of their responsibilities. It’s not only good for the environment, but it has economic benefits too—bringing down energy bills may mean more money available for rent pay! As property management companies, we can play an important role in helping to promote conservation practices.
- If you are renting a home or property, there are so many quick and easy fixes that can save you money in the long-term. For starters, talk to your property management company about installing low-flow showerheads and faucet aerators. Not only are these devices fairly inexpensive, but they use less water without sacrificing performance. They may even help lower your rent pay each month while promoting energy efficiency. Check with your property management companies today to see how you can add this small change to save big bucks down the road.
- Anyone who rents a home knows firsthand how much of a challenge it can be to coordinate repairs with the property management company. It’s even more of an issue when you’re trying to avoid a hike in your rent payment. But one thing that should always take precedence is addressing any leaks in the plumbing fixtures and pipes. A drip here or there may seem insignificant, but over time those few drops can add up to gallons of wasted water – and money! So, if you notice a leaky faucet, let your property manager know right away; letting it spring into an uncontrollable flood could end up costing you both time and money.
- Are you a tenant renting a home? Would you like to save money on monthly rent? One great way to help lower expenses is to make sure that you are encouraging the use of cold water in your laundry. Cold water uses less energy and has proven just as effective as its hotter counterpart in cleaning clothes. This can add up over time, so make sure that when it comes time to pay rent, property management companies and rent pay accounts benefit from your efforts! A few moments spent adjusting settings on the washing machine now can lead to extra money for yourself in the future – it’s a win-win for all parties involved!
- Being a responsible tenant is important and running the dishwasher only when it’s full is an easy way to save money, energy and water! Property management companies that manage rental homes will appreciate it if you’re mindful of your energy usage, as this can lead to lower operational costs for them in turn. Think about it; you’re doing not only yourself but your landlord a favor by conserving resources efficiently. So why wait until the dishwasher is overflowing with dishes? Make sure you fill ‘er up before it starts on its cycle!
- From property managers to tenants looking to rent a home, Energy Star appliances should be an easy choice. Not only are these appliances cost-friendly, since they use less electricity and water than standard models, but property management companies also benefit from energy savings that provide for a more attractive bottom line. On top of that, with the new wave of technology it’s easy to pay rent via your tenant portal or mobile app – without ever having to worry about being green! So if you’re considering new appliances for your home or property make sure that the ones you choose have an Energy Star label displayed on them.
- When renting a home, one of the services provided by property management companies is ensuring energy efficiency. One way to control energy costs is to insulate hot water pipes. This simple step can help save money on rent pay by reducing the heat loss from hot water pipes. In addition to controlling energy bills, insulation also helps keep the rental property comfortable and cozy by regulating temperatures in the home. Investing in pipe insulation is an easy and affordable way for property management companies to work with tenants towards preserving energy and reducing rent payments.
- As property managers, our job is to ensure that we provide the most comfortable and safe living conditions for our tenants. That goes beyond just having clean and well-maintained rental properties, it also requires educating tenants on how to be environmentally responsible too! To do this, we encourage rent pay users to make sure their tenants are properly using the bins provided for glass, plastic, and aluminum recycling. Doing so reduces our overall impact on the environment while helping create an atmosphere of eco-friendliness – something renting a home truly appreciates! We hope that all property management companies will put forth the effort in helping promote recycling by providing bins and establishing procedures that ensure our tenants understand the importance of recycling. Together we can help protect our planet for future generations!
- Believe it or not, you can pay rent in more ways than just your property management company’s rent pay page. Composting your food scraps is an easy way to contribute positively to the environment without making much effort! By composting food scraps at home, we can help reduce methane emissions from landfills, and tenants everywhere have the opportunity to do so. And why not feel good about yourself? After all, reducing landfill gasses is a small price to pay for the privilege of renting a home. So let your property management company into the loop – challenge yourself to compost instead of throwing away food scraps today!
- Installing drought-resistant vegetation around your property is a great investment for not just the environment, but also for your wallet. With this type of landscaping you need far less water to maintain your outdoor areas, and it is becoming increasingly popular especially with rental businesses and property management companies like Rent Shield. So if you’re looking at ways to save big while doing something good for the environment then plant drought-resistant vegetation around your property – it’s one eco-friendly decision that won’t fail to please!
- If you’re a renter who loves gardening but doesn’t have the money to keep up with your green thumb, consider investing in a rain barrel! Rain barrels are an easy and affordable way to collect and store rainwater for watering plants such as flowers, shrubs, and vegetables. With this simple addition to the property rented out by property management companies, renters can save money on their water bill and pay rent with more ease. Property management companies should wear this simple device with pride as it is cost effective and requires minimal effort to install. Bottom line? When it comes time for rent pay, use a rain barrel– your plant babies will thank you!
- Are you a renter who is looking to save money by using automatic timers for your sprinklers? If managed correctly, this could mean big savings for you in the long run. By installing automatic timers, your sprinklers only run when needed and won’t waste water or money. Property management companies can help with getting the timers installed and setting them up in a way that’s both efficient and cost-effective. Furthermore, rent pay services make it easy to pay your rent on time so you get the most out of any property management company’s services. Renters can now access modern tools to make managing their space easier than ever before!
- Rent paying homeowners can make the most of their rent and property management companies with simple lawn mowing adjustments. By cutting the grass slightly longer than usual, you’re helping your property maintain a healthy beauty all season long. Longer grass helps reduce water consumption and creates luscious greenery throughout your rental home. Bet on an impressive return with an investment of just a few extra minutes spent mowing and you’ll be sure to reap plenty of rewards this summer.
- Summer brings hot days and lots of water bills! However, with a few simple tips, you can keep your rent pay low. For example, if you are renting a home from a property management company, make sure to always water your lawn in the morning or evening when it’s cooler outside. Doing so reduces evaporation and waste and will help you avoid hefty water bills. So be mindful of the time when watering outdoors – you’ll be savvy on your rent pay and together we can help conserve our precious natural resources.
- If you rent a home, paying rent is probably the last thing on your mind. But as a property owner or property management company, keeping good track of rent payments is only half of the job! To make sure that your rental property(ies) is running at its full potential, it’s important to also fix any leaks in hoses or sprinklers. This not only prevents the possibility of water waste through evaporation or runoff, but can help save yourself and tenants some money in the long run. So don’t forget to add leak inspection and repair to your regular rent pay checklist!
- As property managers, one of our key priorities is to help tenants save money. One easy way to do so is by encouraging them to open their curtains and let natural light in during the day. Reducing their need for artificial light can save a noticeable portion of each month’s rent, making it an attractive prospect for all tenants. We highly recommend reviewing energy saving tips with your tenants, as there are more than just this one great way that property management companies can help their renters save money!
- If you rent a home, save energy and money with LED light bulbs. Property management companies can ensure that their spaces are as efficient as possible and urge tenants to switch to LED lighting when it’s time to pay rent. LED bulbs use up to 80% Less energy than traditional incandescent bulbs and last up to 15 times longer! As a tenant who wants to save money, or property managers looking for new ways to reduce costs in their properties, LED light bulbs is the perfect match. So give them a try today and start seeing the savings come rolling in!
- Reducing unnecessary energy use has become even more vital in today’s world. As a renter or resident of a property managed by a company, you can now contribute to the conservation effort without having to lift a finger – simply by paying rent! Property management companies are now incorporating occupancy sensors into their common areas which ensure lights are only turned on when someone is present. The result: fewer energy costs and less environmental impact. Occupancy sensors are an ideal way for everyone involved to do their part in helping to protect our planet.
- If you rent a home, you already know that there are numerous obligations: pay rent on time, keep up on maintenance, and comply with local regulations. Let’s not forget keeping our outdoor lights on motion sensors! Property management companies should encourage their tenants to place motion sensors in any lights they install outside. Not only can this help maintain energy efficiency, but it also serves as an extra security precaution. Forgetting to turn off a light before you go to bed won’t cost you in rent pay and no burglar wants to reveal their identity when the spotlight is on them! Let’s collectively commit to more safety and lower costs by utilizing these outside light protection methods for all of our rental properties.
- Turning off all lights, electronics, and appliances when they’re not in use is a no-brainer–for renters, property owners, and property management services alike. Renters can help save money on rent pay by keeping utilities to a minimum; property owners can maintain their investments more cost-effectively; and property management companies can ensure that keeping an eye on energy efficiency is top of mind for both tenants and landlords. So don’t forget: the next time you rent a home, or manage one, give extra thought to how you can best conserve energy–after all, it benefits everyone in the end.
- Saving energy can be an important factor in rent a home and enjoyable property management for both tenants and property managers. Encouraging tenants to unplug their chargers for devices such as phones, laptops, etcetera when they’re not in use is a great place to start. It’s an easy task that doesn’t require much effort from either side but can add up to make a positive difference. As rent pay increases due to the rising costs of electricity, it makes sense for property management companies to encourage their tenants to use less energy and help keep rental costs down for everyone. With simple practices like this one everyone is sure to benefit.
- If you are currently renting a home, have you ever paused to consider what kind of impact a programmable thermostat could have on your rent pay? Many property management companies may not think twice about their heating and cooling systems running non-stop, but with the install of a programmable thermostat you can help ensure those systems are only running when absolutely necessary. Not only does lowering your energy output save the planet from excess waste, it saves property management companies money that they can pass onto tenants in the form of lower rent payments! So next time you rent a home, suggest installing a programmable thermostat and help lower energy waste as well as your own rent pay.
- When renting a home, it’s essential to keep your HVAC unit running optimally. Regularly servicing the unit not only ensures that it runs efficiently but also helps to prevent costly repair bills in the future. Fortunately, property management companies are experts in servicing HVAC units and can provide regular maintenance and inspections when you pay rent. This can help save money over time, allowing you to enjoy the best of what your rental property has to offer without worrying about extra costs for repairs or problems associated with an inefficient HVAC unit.
- If you’re renting a home it’s important to keep in mind that not sealing any cracks or gaps around doors and windows can cause heated or cooled air to escape, leading to higher energy bills. In other words, rent doesn’t just pay for the property you live in, but it also pays for the cost of using resources like energy! That’s why it’s always worth speaking with your property management company about sealing any drafts that could be seeping out of your home. It might seem time-consuming and like an extra expense at first glance, but by taking preventative maintenance measures now, later you’ll be able to enjoy the peace of mind that comes from knowing you’re contributing towards lower energy bills and fewer headaches down the road.
- A wise property manager would always say that saving a few bucks on rent pay is always beneficial! A simple and efficient way to do so is by insulating your walls, ceilings and even attics properly. Considering this, property management companies often suggest their clients to thoroughly check the floors, ductwork and other areas which may be leaking energy and cause extra energy costs. Insulating these areas can not only lower the energy bills but also ensure a more comfortable living environment for you! So what are you waiting for? Check those walls, ceilings and attics now – it’s time to save some money on rent pay!
- If you’re renting a home and paying rent, why not look into the idea of installing solar film on the windows? Installing solar film can reflect heat away from your building during those hot summer months, so your property management company and other renters will be thankful. Not only is it a great way to keep rental costs low, but investors and property management companies know that it’s good for business when looking for renters or prospective buyers. Saving money on rent pay and energy bills is definitely worth investing in – so don’t hesitate to learn more about solar film installation!
- Hang heavy curtains over windows to provide additional insulation in winter.
If you’re renting a home, or in the process of finding property management companies where you can pay rent, here’s an easy and cost-effective way to save money on energy bills during winter: hang heavy curtains over your windows. While they may not look as nice as lighter fabrics, the insulated fabric serves to protect against the cold air seeping through drafty windows. Property management teams have enjoyed that their renters are more comfortable and cozy for less! Plus, when it comes time for dress-up, you can always put your drapes back up.
We have given you an extensive list of tips to help you save water and energy in your property. These tips don’t require large investments, rather a few simple changes such as replacing older appliances or fixing drips and leaks can go a long way in preserving precious resources. Every little change counts, so don’t be afraid to start small and grow into bigger projects down the line. Lastly, stay up to date with our latest blog posts as we strive to provide useful content for every property manager and tenant out there! Follow us on social media for more tips and hacks that will make managing properties easier than ever before. Thanks again for reading and make it green today!