Referral Program

Earn $1000s By Referring Customer

We help you protect your sales & earn management referrals

Explore Our Referral Program

We make it easy to send us clients


Send Us a Client Below
Simply fill out the referral form to let us know about your customer. We’ll take it from there.


We Speak to Your Client
A member of our team will reach out and connect with your customer to explore the management options available.


We Pay You
You’ll earn 25% of the first month’s rent as a referral fee for sending us a property management client.

Why Refer Clients to Us?

Learn how you can benefit

Keep Working with Good Clients
When you send us a referral, we handle your client’s property management needs and refer them back to you for future real estate sales. It’s a win-win for both parties and you get to safeguard future earnings.
Your Reputation is Protected
By working with a trusted property manager, you can rest easy knowing your clients will receive the best possible care. We protect your reputation in the industry and keep your clients satisfied.
Protect Your Bottom Line
Did you know, providing bad advice on issues like fair housing guidelines and insurance requirements could seriously backfire? Don’t open yourself up to unnecessary financial risk; let us handle the hard work for you.
Need a Written Agreement?
Worried about the terms of our referral agreement? If you’d like a written document outlining the ins and the outs of our partnership, we’re happy to oblige. We want you to feel secure partnering with us.
We'll Pay You
Every successful referral will net you 25% of the first month’s rent. Use the calculator below to determine how much you could earn by choosing to partner with our management team.

Ready to Make More Money? Let's Get Connected...

Enter your details below and we'll contact you about partnering up.

Some Sample Numbers

$ 0
Average Monthly Rent
$ 0
1yr Earnings From Just 2 Referrals/Month
$ 0
Just 1yr of Protected Sales Commissions

“I am really happy with the service I received from Rent Shield Property Management. They always pay attention to my needs, and are really responsive.”

Raymond Williams

Refer a Client to Rent Shield Property Management

New Tenant?

If you need any help signing into the portal, give us a call and we’ll be happy to oblige: (201) 630-0707

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You may also Call or Text us at (201) 630-0707
thank you Thank you for reaching out. Our team will contact you soon! Feel free to continue checking out our website and learn a bit more about us. We'll talk soon!
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